For Petsโ€™ Sake Humane Society

Become a Member

Become a For Petsโ€™ Sake Member

Become a Member, Volunteer or Donate

Become a For Petsโ€™ Sake Member by completing the form below. You can also use the form for exploring Volunteer opportunities or Supporting FPS in a number of ways.

Note: Our membership year runs July 1 through June 30. If you are joining between January 1 and June 30, your dues for the remainder of the year are 1/2 the annual amount.

Your Information

Type of Membership
Local businesses can support For Pets' Sake by becoming BUSINESS MEMBERS. You will receive our attractive certificate and find your name in our newsletter.

Additional Donations
Your donation will assist us in funding emergency medical care for local pets.
Our Feral Cat Project has made a huge difference in the lives of wild, stray, and abandoned cats since 2009.
This permanent fund ensures that assistance for animals in need will be available in the future.
Our Fosters in Need Now fund saves foster animals in life-threatening situations on their way to forever homes.
Donate in memory of a friend or loved one, be it person or pet
Make a gift donation in honor of someone special

All donations are fully tax-deductible.

Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in helping For Pets' Sake in other ways? Please check your areas of interest.
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